Dr. Stephanie Nichols

Hi, my name is Dr. Stephanie Nichols

Did you know that the root-cause of erratic blood sugar…

Is NOT caused by eating carbs or sugar?

But with something going on deep inside the cells of the pancreas?

One of the questions I am commonly asked by patients with blood sugar or blood pressure is


The answer is simple...


It's time to do this the natural way...

By focusing on beta cells, the ROOT CAUSE of your suffering...

Beta cells are cells in the pancreas that produce and release insulin in response to blood glucose levels.

In people with type 2 diabetes, beta cells have to work harder to produce enough insulin to control high blood sugar levels.

This can lead to beta cells being unable to work properly to regulate blood sugar.

According to research, a person with type 2 diabetes may already have lost roughly 50% of beta cell function by the time they receive their diagnosis.

This means that around half of their beta cells have died or are not able to function properly...

And This Is How Healthy Beta Cells Inside A Healthy Pancreas Look:

You can see that the cells are smooth and sleek... They look healthy. They aren’t discolored.

This Is How Unhealthy Beta Cells Inside A Diseased Pancreas Look:

See how the cells are bumpy and irregular in shape?

Notice how their color is abnormal? They look squished together.

They don’t have the nice, smooth look and shape of the healthy beta cells.

If you answered yes to any of the following questions, it's possible YOUR BETA CELLS...
Might Look Like This…

If you’ve been feeling chronically tired... no matter how much sleep you get...

If you’ve done everything your doctor recommends...

testing your blood glucose level several times a day...

Then taking your oral type 2 diabetes meds... or giving yourself insulin injections...

And following your low-carb diet, getting enough exercise...

And even if you’ve got a cabinet full of supplements…

Did you know that...

If you’re pre-diabetic or if you have diabetes type 2 — your beta cells are under CONSTANT ATTACK?

They’re being attacked by free-radicals and deadly toxins in your environment and inside the low-carb foods you eat!

What’s worse is this chronic beta cell damage may have been building up in your body for years...

if not decades.

Listen, closely to what follows, because... You may have the ability to FIX YOUR BETA CELLS!

I urge you to listen to everything I have to say...

Read on to find out more...

In fact, millions of people are suffering
from pre-diabetes symptoms
and they
don’t even know it.

The symptoms start with feelings of low energy, a lack of motivation, foggy thinking, difficulty concentrating, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, and having floaters in the eyes...

Symptoms can show up as slow healing wounds, a ringing in the ears, itchy skin rashes, oral pain or tooth loss, urinary tract or kidney infections, and any type of heart-related problem.

These symptoms can seem mild at the time, but they actually may pose a huge threat to your health down the line.

Believe me; if you are experiencing ANY of these symptoms...
then your health may be — at


My name is Dr. Stephanie Nichols.

I’ve been the primary care physician to many patients during my career as a Naturopathic Medical Doctor.

I know how disheartening it is when absolutely nothing seems to be working to regain your health.

Today, I’m here to help you watch out for, and properly address, the symptoms of... Pre-Diabetes.

So you can do all you can to avoid becoming pre-diabetic.

Or... if you already have diabetes... what you may do to potentially prevent experiencing scary complications...

Such as blindness, kidney failure, or even heart problems.

You see, having a hard to control blood sugar doesn’t have to control you or your life...

My patients reported higher sustained energy all day long without problems caused by erratic blood sugar highs and lows.

They took back control of their lives from type 2 diabetes.

And now you can too. That's why I'm here talking to you right now...

I'm going to recommend to you exactly what you may need to help your body's beta cells more efficiently and consistently manage your blood sugar...

So you can finally feel better... for good.

Serious health consequences can occur...
if you don’t deal with this issue right now.

So as you know, I’m Dr. Stephanie Nichols. I am the Chief Medical Officer for Naguna Labs, and licensed naturopathic physician in Arizona. I graduated from University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Science, graduating with honors, and hold a Doctorate from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

I am currently in private practice in Arizona with my husband, Dr. Kasey Nichols.

My approach includes first finding the root cause of the symptoms, and then recommending treatments to resolve underlying imbalances using both conventional and holistic therapies, such as dietary and lifestyle changes, effective and evidence-based supplements, acupuncture, and psychotherapy.

You see, I’ve collected considerable
experience in a number of
healthcare institutions.

Now let’s talk about what I can do for you.

In the next few minutes, I'm going to share with you the same advice I give my patients that allows them to stay healthy by easily managing their blood sugar level at any age.

I’m going to reveal three common low-carb foods most people with diabetes
think are healthy and why eating them

could make your risk of experiencing

type 2 diabetic complications much higher...

It’s All About Beta Cell Destruction

And Insulin Resistance.

It all starts with improper beta cell nutrition – and the
OVERABUNDANCE OF GLUCOSE in the bloodstream.

If your beta cells are malformed... (Like the image you saw in the beginning of this presentation)...

That means your beta cells can’t produce enough insulin to do their job properly — when this happens the glucose levels in the blood can skyrocket without much warning.

If your beta cells are starving... then they can become insulin resistant.

This lands a double-whammy to your blood sugar levels — and your energy levels plummet.

So it’s no wonder you feel so sick and tired — no matter how much sleep you get!

In fact, the more research I did, the more I realized just how nutrient-deficient the beta cells of my type 2 diabetic patients were, especially those over fifty.

That’s what drove me to begin trying to find an all-in-one blood sugar stabilizing supplement.

In the beginning, I’ll admit my early patients left with a long list of supplements to take, and soon they were reporting incredible reductions in fasting blood glucose levels...

That’s when I knew I was onto something BIG.

My patients would come in and say things like: ”I’ve got my energy back!”

Or, “I can’t believe how much easier it is to control my blood sugar readings.”

You Get Back The Normal Insulin Regulating Function Your Beta Cells Used To Have.

Most of us are happy to give up donuts if it means we can also give up worrying about blindness...

And yet, as time goes on you’re likely to find yourself dreaming about eating cake or muffins or French fries you’ve denied yourself.

You may feel depressed about just how much food you love you can no longer eat.

Now I’ll be the first person to tell you that while that approach may work for people with a will of iron, a love of self-denial... most of us don’t feel that way.

Fortunately, people with type 2 diabetes don’t have to suffer with a monk-like super slow-carb diet to get their blood sugar back under control.

I’ll show you how to be able to eat some of your favorite foods to keep yourself from feeling deprived — without derailing your diet or ruining your health.

But First, I’d Like To

Clear Up The Misinformation About
Low-Carb “Gluten-Free” Foods

Packed With Hidden Sugar, Harmful Carb Blockers That Are Giving You False Blood Sugar Readings.

And even worse... potential negative side effects such as weight gain and inflammation

1. “Gluten-Free”...

Supermarkets, bakeries and restaurants are now filled with a huge range of gluten-free foods.

These mislabeled as “healthy foods”... are actually as high if not higher in carbohydrates than the foods they are replacing!

Gluten-free carbs will raise your blood sugar just as high as any other carbs and do the same amount of damage to your body’s beta cells.

2. “Carb Blockers”...

Natural carb blockers contain a bean extract that the makers claim can keep carbs from being digested.

If any supplement does block the digestion of starch or sugar, you will notice an increase in intestinal gas as undigested starches are fermented by gut bacteria.

If any “carb blocker” seems to work, be sure to test your blood sugar three to four hours after eating, as the “carb blocker” may only be slowing your digestion.

3. “Sugar Free Foods”...

Most people think that sugar-free foods won’t contain sucrose — or table sugar.

But, these foods are full of carbohydrates. Sugar free brownies, cookies and ice cream are full of chemicals deceptively called “sugar alcohols” (not the alcohol a person drinks).

These “sugar alcohols” are lab-created carbohydrates and may or may not break down into glucose inside your body... if you don’t have the right enzymes in your gut to digest them...

You can experience horrible gas and diarrhea... and if you don’t end up running to the bathroom then — eating them will raise your blood sugar...

These are the three foods you MUST AVOID eating at all costs and these are: “gluten-free” foods, “carb blockers” and “sugar free” foods.

You need the right information with the proper amounts of the most advanced nutrients your beta cells need to properly perform so you can get the blood sugar stabilizing results you desire.

It’s a fact, that many blood sugar supplement makers are ignoring the very breakthroughs in beta cell nutrition and will manufacture inferior formulas — but I won’t short change you.

This is important. If your health care involves taking a “supplement cocktail” — for your health’s sake, please listen to the warnings you’ve just heard.

You Have The Ability To
And I’m Here To Show You How.

Continue watching to find how you can get your own supply of this all-in-one Gluco20 Supplement...

I want to be sure that you can follow the simple steps that I recommend.

And when you do, you’ll have the power in your own hands to effectively managing your blood sugar and then you’ll be feeling more in control of your life.

I’ve shown you why you need to be careful with avoiding gluten-free, sugar free and carb blockers.

But you also need to know that being under constant stress and worrying about your blood sugar causes your body to release a fight-or-flight hormone — called Cortisol.

Cortisol is what gives your muscles that burst of energy when you are afraid and have a bad scare.

Excess Cortisol RAISES your blood sugar.

It prevents your pancreas from making enough insulin.

But what’s even worse is; high Cortisol levels increase your appetite, so you eat more and that means it’s even tougher to stay on a low-carb diet.

So if you don’t do something to fix your blood sugar this is what happens.

Excess Stress And High Cortisol
Makes You Gain More Weight
— Even If You Try To Eat Less.

If you think this excess stress you’ve been experiencing isn’t contributing to your problems with your blood sugar management, I want you to listen to this...

When there’s too much glucose in your blood stream with nowhere to go this over-abundance of glucose eventually winds up not only raising your blood sugar too high — it starts collecting on your organs, nerves, and other tissues, which damages your kidneys, causes heart and blood vessel damage, and disrupts your nervous system, among other things.

If you add high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure into the mix, then you’ve got the “spark” that triggers heart disease.

In fact, chronically high blood sugar levels can signal your pancreas to continue flooding your body with insulin (because your pancreas is thinking you don’t have an adequate supply).

This causes your over-worked beta cells work even harder — making them less sensitive and resistant to insulin.

Studies have shown that a problem with insulin resistance can trigger an increased excretion of certain nutrients from your body in your urine!

This is a serious issue when your beta cells are already starving for vital nutrients.

Now I Want You To Know
It’s Never Too Late To Undo The Past...

It still amazes me that whenever I see a new patient — no matter their age or health condition

many say “I wish I could erase my health problems and make a fresh start.”

What’s even more remarkable is the thousands of patients who have said similar things to me... then experiences a major turnaround in their health... once they followed my advice.

Those very same patients who came to me feeling their worst have turned their health around...

That’s what Gluco20 was designed to do —and it can do it for you too!

Now You're Probably Wondering

How Did I Understand What Ingredients A Perfect Blood Sugar Stabilizing Supplement Required?

Well... It all goes back to seeing so many patients coming to me with their big bags filled with supplements, vitamins and minerals.

When I did the research, I was amazed to discover the unique combined ingredients that were really what was making the huge difference in their blood glucose levels.

My patient's supplements were incredibly rich in bio-flavonoids, immune boosters, polyphenols and antioxidants.

In fact, these super-potent ingredients are what had worked to cut many of their insulin needs by 50%.

This led to me identifying the particular combination of nourishing ingredients which turned out to be an incredibly solution for maintaining near normal blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels as well.

This all-in-one supplement has helped many people and allowed them to effectively manage their type 2 diabetes without resorting to a lifetime of expensive doctor’s visits.

Gluco20 works and finds “the hidden weakness of type 2 diabetes” and takes full advantage of it.

You can trust that Gluco20 has been rigorously researched, tested, including the combination of the 20 super-high potency fruit, flower, and bark extracts (in therapeutic amounts). Of course, you will need to take Gluco20 over a period of time, this is not an overnight transformation.

You’ll be amazed at how potent, effective, and surprisingly cheap this formula is.

Imagine... no more pricking your finger... or lightheaded feeling from low blood sugar ... or stomach pain from too high blood sugar... not anymore!

In fact, Gluco20 may work no matter how long you’ve had type 2 diabetes — even if you’ve had it for decades.

Imagine your life finally free from type 2 diabetes.

But there’s a catch. You must know the special nutritional requirements your beta cells need and the right forms to take and the proper potencies.

Get the wrong one or too low of potency or purity and you’re just wasting your money.

Gluco20 Features Highly Bio-Available Ingredients

Derived From Whole Food Extracts And Natural Sources Which Are Bio-Identical To Those The Body Utilizes.

These vitamins and minerals do not contain any synthetic or fractionated vitamins and are not synthesized from a chemistry lab so you can be sure you are receiving a supplement with top potency and purity.

First, there’s 50 mg of Cinnamon Bark Powder as “Cinnamomum Cassia” which studies have shown is a potent blood sugar regulator.

Cinnamon contains an active ingredient called methyl hydroxy chalcone polymer or (MHCP) which is a potent antioxidant, and improves insulin sensitivity.

A third-party study team led by Dr. Richard Anderson isolated MHCP and they noted that MHCP does “mimic” insulin and that in most instances MHCP can work alone without the presence of insulin.

Next, there’s vanadium and chromium for additional glucose support.

Vanadium (Vanadyl Sulfate) is a unique trace mineral that promotes insulin sensitivity in beta cells by helping to transport insulin to beta cells.

We have added 200 mcg per capsule of the right kind of vanadium to ensure proper absorption because — it works!

In an independent clinical study, patients who received 100 mcg of Vanadium (Vanadyl Sulfate) for three weeks experienced greater insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake with a 15% decrease in fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1C levels!

Other supplements may give you 10 or 15 mg. but with Gluco20, you’re getting 200 mcg — double the full research dose.

When your cells are resistant to insulin they’re not unlocking to allow glucose to get in.

Adding Chromium increases the number of cell receptors — or entry points for insulin on each of your cells thus reducing insulin resistance.

Chromium allows for better transport of nutrients into beta cells for energy and helps promote healthy blood sugar levels.

In a double-blind clinical trial, participants given 220 mcg of Chromium daily for 90 days experienced a significant reduction in insulin resistance.

Chromium is the nutrient most people who have diabetes are deficient in.

That’s why we added 67 mcg of Chromium in every capsule of Gluco20 to ensure you get the full therapeutic dose you need.

We added Banaba Leaf (1% extract : lagerstroemia Speciosa) to round out the glucose support.

It’s a specialized extract of the Banaba leaf that works to activate the glucose transporters on the surface of your cells to let more glucose in and works in perfect harmony with Chromium.

Then there’s Gymnema Sylvestre — it’s vital for slowing the release of blood sugar from your digestive tract to your bloodstream.

Gymnema Sylvestre may assist in keeping blood sugar levels in the normal range and so the supplement contains the maximum dose of 50 mg of Gymnema Sylvestre leaf powder.

Now the best supplement I would ever recommend for promoting nerve health is Alpha Lipoic Acid or (ALA)

And it makes a potent combo with another amino acid called L-Taurine.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is really a vitamin-like “universal” antioxidant, because it is both fat and water-soluble, and this allows ALA to enter all parts of the beta cells to neutralize harmful free radicals.

ALA combined with L-Taurine can increase blood flow to protect your precious neurovascular system, circulation and blood vessel health.

That’s why we’ve included 30 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid and 25 mg of L-Taurine in a concentrated form to nourish and promote nerve health.

I’ve had incredible success by adding a proprietary blend of Bitter Melon —in a (4 to 1 fruit extract) at 50 mg and Guggul in a (10% extract) with Cayenne Pepper Powder (40M HU/G) — at 10 mg.

This tri-extract blend is especially effective in reducing inflammation inside beta cells.

Next, I’ve discovered three bio-available herbal ingredients that are packed with anti-inflammatory actions and work to dramatically increase the beta cell’s natural antioxidant defenses.

The potent combo of Juniper Berry Powder Extract, White Mulberry Leaf Powder and Yarrow Flowers Powder (at a dose of 25 mg each) may assist with the unique ability of damaged beta cells to self-repair.

This unique 3-part combo stimulates the production of new beta cells and curbs problems with excess glucose residues.

Now I’d like to tell you about
Licorice Root Extract.

It’s an anti-inflammatory herb and increases the action of other herbs and extracts and detoxifier when used in combination with other ingredients.

Licorice Root Extract is an immune stimulating, boosting interferon production, and enhances antibody formation to help inhibit growth of undesirable microorganisms.

You get 50 mg of this potent extract in every dose of Gluco20.

Finally, Gluco20 also contains pancreas-protecting vitamins and minerals to ward off the dangers of prescription type 2 diabetes drugs, that flush essential vitamins and minerals out of the body.

Did you know that 70 percent of adults
have low magnesium levels?

In fact, a mere 25 percent of adults in the U.S. even consume the recommended daily allowance of 400 mg daily.

So you can understand why I’m so concerned about you’re having a magnesium deficiency.

So why doesn’t a magnesium deficiency show up on a serum blood test?

It’s because 99.7 percent of total body magnesium is found in your bones, muscles and tissues – while you only measure 0.3 percent in a blood serum test.

That means most blood serum tests have little correlation with your magnesium levels in your pancreas and beta cells. What that means is that it’s pretty hard to truly know if you are deficient in magnesium.

A magnesium deficiency can appear with symptoms of numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms and coronary spasms.

Magnesium plays a vital part in more than 300 metabolic processes including:

Insulin action, glucose regulation, energy production and more.

This is a pretty amazing mineral and one you don’t want to be caught short.

Here is what the American Diabetes Association (ADA) released in a 2013 Study: Results show that “higher magnesium intake reduces the risk of impaired glucose and insulin metabolism....” And researchers concluded that” “Magnesium intake may be particularly beneficial in offsetting risk of developing diabetes among those at high risk.”

And that’s why our scientists made sure that each dose of Gluco20 contains a potent dose of 125 mg of Magnesium — as (magnesium oxide) in every capsule.

Low Zinc Stores Can Cause Impaired Functioning Of The Thyroid Gland.

You get the purest bio-available form of zinc as (zinc oxide) at 7.5 mg per dose.

We included biotin because one study suggested that biotin in addition to other micronutrients helped treat peripheral neuropathy — the nerve pain in the extremities that can result from kidney failure or type 2 diabetes.

Biotin supplementation is 300 mcg per dose is added to ensure you get the proper amount to protect your precious nerves.


— (as amino acid chelate) dose at 1 mg, assists in producing pancreatic enzymes the body needs and to ensure the pancreas is able to function efficiently and improves blood sugar regulation.

Vitamin C

— as (ascorbic acid) is required for good health and aids in blood sugar normalization and is provided at a standardized dose of 50 mg.

Vitamin E

— (d-Alpha tocopheryl succinate) at 15 IU per dose, and it has been shown to reduce the destructive effects of high blood sugars — or “glycosylation” of proteins and lowers insulin resistance.

The full standardized doses of all 20 vital bio-available fruit, flower and bark extracts with essential vitamin and mineral support are critical to the effectiveness of Gluco20.

So Don’t Be Fooled By Formulas That Fall Short Of The Recommended Doses For A Lower Price.

Remember you need to protect yourself when you take ANY prescription medication for diabetes.

It’s vital you restore these lost nutrients, because studies show that low levels of chromium, manganese, zinc or any of these vital vitamins and minerals often resulted in the development of diabetes.

Remember, if your body runs out of Chromium, or Magnesium you’re asking for diabetes, heart and liver trouble.

That’s Why You Need The Most Potent, Pure And
Active Forms Of All 20 Of These Vital Ingredients

Packed Inside Our Proven

Gluco20 Supplement.

With Gluco20 you get complete glucose and critical neuro-vascular support that is proven to work…

Our formula and supports healthy nerves, blood vessels, enhances circulation of hands and feet, supports nerve transmission signals and provides superior antioxidant protection.

The herbs, vitamins and minerals in Gluco20 have been found to be synergistic, meaning they work well together and you may be able to regulate your blood sugar with less insulin.

It’s also possible that in time and with continued use you may even be able to maintain your blood sugar with just Gluco20 and a healthy low-carb diet with proper exercise.

This Potent And Pure Combination Of 20 Powerful Blood Sugar Stabilizing Ingredients Has Already Helped Thousands Of People...

And Now It’s Available To You.

Right now, I’d love to invite you to try Gluco20 for yourself.

Let me tell you how you can get it...

Now if you were to try the “mixing your own supplement cocktail” method... and purchase all the ingredients separately it would cost you up to $300 a month or more...

If you added all the correct ingredients at the proper potencies and purities — if you could even find them...

It Would Cost You A Big Wad Of Money.

The fact is, this is a complex, hard to get formula, with its 20 unique fruit, flower and bark extracts and potent vitamins and mineral complex.

Since you’ve read this entire presentation, as my personal thank you for doing so, I’d like to offer you a special "new customer discount." And please know, you can only purchase Gluco20 here, on this website.

I Know You Need To Get


That’s why I personally recommend getting multiple bottles of Gluco20.

I’m offering just to those who have watched this presentation to try Gluco20 at the new discounted price.

So as long as my supply lasts, then I’m offering just to those who have watched this video, to try Gluco20 supplement at the new discounted price.

You get an instant savings too!

You’ll be grandfathered in on this discounted price on all future orders too even if our price goes up!

As this product was being created, my formulators and I definitely saw the seamy underside of the supplements industry firsthand.

Most manufacturers care only about making a profit not about the health and satisfaction of their customers.

For that reason, they often use cheap ingredients and cut corners in the manufacturing process in order to save money.

My formulators and I saw it again and again as they moved forward.

I made a promise to myself to always protect the health and wellness of our customers.

You deserve the best, safest and most effective ingredients and that’s exactly what they are delivering.

Customers Tell Us Every Day That Gluco20 Helps Them
Reduce Their Dependency on Prescription Medications.

You save - $100

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You save - $720
6 bottles - $174

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You save - $330
3 bottles - $117

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

If you're still not convinced, we've decided to let you try Gluco20 with a full 60-day Money Back Guarantee.

Simply order now and you'll have 60 days to determine if Gluco20 is right for you. If at any time you are not satisfied with your results...

Just contact the award-winning customer service team for a full refund of your purchase price - within 60 days within your original purchase.

That means Gluco20 us not just being offered for an unheard of low price, you are also getting the chance to try this product for a full month - and if you are not satisfied you can get your money back within 60 days, no questions asked.

If you are at all fed up with shelling out money on expensive prescriptions, always being tired, and just treating the symptoms and not the CAUSE of your blood sugar troubles...

Take advantage of this offer now

Usually Gluco20 retails for $149 per bottle.

But today, and only through this website...

You can get your own supply of Gluco20 at a huge saving of up to 70% off the regular retail price!

Gluco20 can take months to make…

And that’s why we’re constantly running out of stock.

You simply don’t get this quality in other formulas.

We’re severely limited in how many batches we can make.

That’s why our multi-bottle packages have been so popular...

The more bottles you buy, the more money you save!

You’ll want to act fast and click the “add to cart” button quickly.

Your new customer multiple bottle discount is only available during this presentation.

You can rest easy because Gluco20 is vacuum packed to ensure freshness so it’s smart to stock up now and get the best price.

So, it’s time to get your supply of Gluco20 delivered via priority first class shipping conveniently right to your door.

You want to click the “add to cart” button below right now and see if we still have supply in stock.

If You See A “Sold Out” Banner, Then I’m Sorry But You Waited Too Long And
We’ve Sold Out.

Order now before this batch is sold out. Be sure to claim your new customer discount too.

You can trust Gluco20 is made in the USA in a CGMP-Certified Facility.

We use medical-grade FDA inspected equipment to deliver a potent and pure medical-grade formula to ensure your complete safety and satisfaction.

You can feel confident to order now, because your order of Gluco20 is 3rd Party Verified.

This means each batch is tested by an independent 3rd party to ensure the proper potency and purity.

Here’s What You Need To Do Now.

Just click the ADD TO CART button and select the package that’s just right for you.

Fill in your name, and address so we know where to ship your bottles of Gluco20.

You save - $100

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You save - $720
6 bottles - $174

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You save - $330
3 bottles - $117

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Don't Just Take My Word For It...



"Had my reservations about ordering Gluco20 at first , but, took the chance after reading all of the ingredients. Started a month ago and my blood sugar has been great . Lost 12 pounds and tummy has reduced. I am extremely happy with the product!!!!!!"

– Mirtha DePlazaola



"First, I am not a huge fan of reviews and I rarely write one. I felt strongly enough about the value and effectiveness of Gluco20 that I am taking the time to tell you about it. I was turned on to the product by the owner of the company and I decided to purchase this product to test it against some of the other widely supplements my doctor has recommended. I took it for a few weeks along with my diabetes meds. I noticed it started working very quickly and soon thereafter my readings were SO MUCH BETTER! I have completely stopped taking my prescription medications which has saved me hundreds of dollars. I am sleeping better, I lost weight, I am eating food I haven't eaten in years. My doctor asked me what I have been doing for such drastic results so I sent him the link to this product so he can recommend it to his other patients."

- Bruce Hartman



"I love that this company stands by its products. Also, your customer support was very helpful when I had questions about Gluco20, on my 2nd month now and I’m seeing great results, I’ll definitely be ordering again."

- Noelynn Alcaraz



"This has been such a blessing and has made managing blood sugar so much easier."

- Michael Paulo

Still not sure? You probably have some questions!

Here are a few of the "MOST ASKED QUESTIONS" I get about Gluco20:

How many bottles should I order?

Majority of our customers take the middle option, but we recommend our “Best-Value” option so you can stay stocked up and save up to 40% per bottle.

“How safe is Gluco20?”

Gluco20 is an all-natural formulation of ingredients that are completely safe to use when taken as directed. There is nothing artificial, synthetic or man-made, so it has no known side-effects. We proudly source the purest ingredients to ensure your complete satisfaction.

“How much will one capsule of Gluco20 help my blood sugar?”

Everyone is different and has different health challenges when it comes to managing their blood sugar levels. You may notice a difference in your ability to effectively manage your blood sugar over time and with continued use. Some people may be able to reduce or even eliminate their prescription blood sugar lowering medication but please follow your Doctor’s recommendations.

“If I take a blood sugar lowering drug will this help me?”

It can, yes. Gluco20 supplement may help your beta cells repair themselves. This should mean they would become better at producing insulin. This, over time, is how you help improve your blood sugar regulation: by having healthier beta cells with increased insulin sensitivity that can more easily regulate your body’s insulin levels in a more natural way.

“What if it doesn’t work for me is there a guarantee?”

Gluco20 is guaranteed for 60 days or your money back. We take your health seriously and we’ve done all we can to ensure your complete satisfaction. In the unlikely event that you don’t experience an improvement in your blood sugar levels after taking Gluco20 for the recommended amount of time, we do offer a full 60-day money-back guarantee, restrictions apply. Reach out to our customer service specialists with any questions.

“How should I take this Gluco20 Supplement?”

We recommend you take one capsule each morning. Our capsules are small and easy to swallow. The directions are printed on the bottle as well.

Look below this presentation right now, then click on the discounted order button that says, “add to cart.”

Only then are you locked into the preferred discount pricing on every bottle you order of Gluco20.

Select the multiple bottle option for the best pricing.

You save - $100

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You save - $720
6 bottles - $174

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

You save - $330
3 bottles - $117

60 Days Money Back Guarantee


1. Scalbert A, Johnson IT, Saltmarsh M. Polyphenols: antioxidants and beyond. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;81(1):215S-217S.

2. Kulling SRawel H. Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) – A Review on the Characteristic Components and Potential Health Effects. Planta Med. 2008;74(13):1625-1634. doi:10.1055/s-0028-1088306.

3. Feringa H, Laskey D, Dickson J, Coleman C. The Effect of Grape Seed Extract on Cardiovascular Risk Markers: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111(8):1173-1181. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2011.05.015.

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From: “The Insulin Factor Book” Author Michael Cutler, M.D.

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